Senin, 08 Mei 2017

Talking about culture is not a new thing for us. A culture gives birth to an intelligent country boy in seeing, thinking, and giving birth to others to form a good character. Establishing a character of a good country boy originates from a culture, because by studying the culture we know ourselves intact which we are in our environment. In knowing ourselves deeply it is not easy but it takes a long time to form a perfect person. Many experts who says that culture is a habit, rules, behavior that has been bound to someone in interacting with others. Personally I see that human-oriented culture to humanize others to a nation. On this occasion I will personally review a little about the development of Mee culture with mysterious colors. The melanesian race is where I lost and I know the history of the origin of the MEE people, I must tell you .... if stone, wood, water, can speak maybe ..? we will know our true identity ..... but all is well, let We worship Jesus the creator of the heavens and the earth. Culture is the entire work / work that can be held / touched or can not be touched .. culture is also divided into two parts, namely immaterial culture, meaning culture that is not biased / exemplified for example art, . Material culture, meaning culture that can be felt / perceived carvings etc .. The system of this culture is a relationship composed of several parts or relationships that take place between units or components on a regular basis. Thus the cultural system can be interpreted as a set of knowledge knowledge, life view, belief, value, normal, rule of law that belongs to a society through a process of learning which then spur manata, assess, menginterpertasikan number of objects in the environment concerned. Before we ran further on how to tribe-MEE cultural feast. But before that we need to know what the meaning of MEE itself,
MEE is a person or human being, meaning the first Man, MEE tribe is located in the high mountains of papua which is now called paniai district, panai has a very interesting and very natural diversity consisting of lakes, rivers and mountains. The livelihood of the tribe MEE is as Fisherman And gardening or cultivating, the religion adopted is Protestant Christianity, Catholicism, and Bunani religion that is the first faith before the gospel entered until now the elders of the MEE tribe some still embraced it. Why is this belief Bunani still adhered to the elders. Tribe -MEE This greedy belief is not an idolatrous belief but a long time before the gospel entered in paniai ever lived a person in the language of MEE(Koya Daba) whose deed / miracles are the same as the Bible and the 10 laws when it is echoed, so that they realize before the gospel enters the faith To the Almighty (Allah, Koya Daba) has been embraced. In Paniai

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